Author Archives: cbcsuzanne

Case History Presentation: Resolution of Complex, Dangerous Aggression in a Horse

With Guest Chatters Ms. Sharon Madere, CHBC and Ms. Nancy Williams, M.A., RVT, ACAAB It’s one thing to work with aggression in dogs.  People can be seriously injured.  It’s quite another to work with an animal that weighs over 1000 pounds and has a much greater potential to kill you than dogs do. What this means for…

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New Ideas About Where Dogs Came From and Implications For How Best To Live With Them

With Guest Chatters Dr. Clive Wynne and Ms. Janice Koler-Matznick, M.S. ACAAB   When we were in graduate school, the domestication literature (for example Clutton-Brock) at the time held that dogs were domesticated by taming wolf pups.  The motivation for domestication of wolf to dog, was the assistance wolf-cubs-becoming-dogs could bring to peoples’ hunt for prey/food.…

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Preview of Public Day at Animal Behavior Society

You’re in for a special treat with this month’s CAAB Chat, taking place on Tuesday, July 26th at 5pm Mountain Time. As you may know, the Animal Behavior Society (ABS) is the professional organization that certifies CAABs and ACAABs, and is the largest organization dedicated to the study of animal behavior. For a number of…

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