Evaluating The Effectiveness of Reinforcement Delivery

Does size or number matter most?    With guest chatter Erica Feuerbacher, Ph.D., BCBA-D, CPDT-KA All of us are always looking for more effective ways to reinforce desired behaviors from the animals we work with.  Some research has found that food is typically a more effective reinforcer for dogs than social interaction. However, little is…

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How To Get Your Hands on A Hands Off Cat

Helping Under-Socialized Kittens In Shelters   For this unique CAABChat we welcome Ms. Adi Hovav and Dr. Jessica Lockhart, CAAB.  Both of these experienced individuals work for the ASPCA, and presented this talk at our recent IFAAB (Interdisciplinary Forum in Applied Animal Behavior) invitational annual meeting.  They’ve graciously agreed to share the information with our CAABChat…

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Recognizing The People Who Helped Get Us Where We Are: Their Contributions and Mentoring

 With guest chatters, Nancy Williams, RVT, M.A., ACAAB, Dr. Crista Coppola, CAAB  and Jennie Lane, RVT, M.A., ACAAB Whether you’ve been in the fields of companion animal behavior and training for longer than you’d like to think about, or if you’re just starting out, there are experienced professionals in the field who have been pivotal…

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